Geomaster- Specialist Supplier of Geogrid Products

PP goegrid, biaxial geogrid, polymer geogrid, fiberglass geogrid and a wide selection in different construction types and materials for soil retaining and reinforcing.

Uniaxial and Biaxial Geogrid For Highway Road Construction

Supply of geosynthetic materials (geogrid and geo textile) for Venezuelan construction projects of the national highway "Sta. Lucia - Kempis "

In the case of the National Highway "Sta. Lucia - Kempis" in Venezuela, geogrids are used to ensure the longevity and stability of the road.

1. Materials of Geogrids:

Geogrids are geosynthetic materials made from various materials such as polyester, polyethylene, or polypropylene. Geogrids are primarily used to reinforce soils, stabilize slopes, and improve the overall strength of the ground in construction projects.

2. Importance of Geogrids in Road Construction:

The construction of a highway involves significant challenges related to soil stabilization, load-bearing capacity, and the prevention of cracking or rutting. Geogrids offer a solution to these issues by providing enhanced structural support, reducing material requirements, and improving long-term performance.

3. Types of Geogrids for Highway Roads:

Uniaxial Geogrids: Uniaxial geogrids are designed to provide strength and stabilization in a single direction. They are commonly used in road construction to improve tensile strength and distribute loads effectively.

Biaxial Geogrids: Biaxial geogrids, as the name suggests, provide reinforcement in both the longitudinal and transverse directions. These geogrids are versatile and can be used for various applications, including soil stabilization, pavement reinforcement, and subgrade improvement.

High-Strength Geogrids: High-strength geogrids are specifically engineered to withstand heavy loads and high stresses. These geogrids are often used in the construction of highways and airports where the subgrade requires substantial reinforcement.

4. Functions of Geogrids in the National Highway "Sta. Lucia - Kempis":

Subgrade Stabilization: Geogrids are used to stabilize the subgrade soil and distribute the load uniformly. They reduce soil settlement, increase bearing capacity, and prevent differential settlement along the highway alignment.

Reinforcement of Embankments: By adding geogrid layers within the fill material, the overall strength of the highway embankment is increased, reducing the risk of deformation or collapse.

Pavement Reinforcement: Geogrids are incorporated within the pavement structure to improve its performance and extend its lifespan. They act as a reinforcement layer between the subgrade and asphalt or concrete layers, reducing rutting, cracking, and fatigue.

Erosion Control: In areas prone to erosion, geogrids are used to stabilize the soil and prevent the loss of fine particles. By creating a barrier against water flow and reinforcing the surface, geogrids help maintain the integrity of the highway alignment.

5. Benefits of Geogrids in the National Highway "Sta. Lucia - Kempis":

Increased Durability: Geogrids enhance the overall strength and stability of the highway, reducing maintenance requirements and ensuring a longer service life.

Cost Savings: By utilizing geogrids, the amount of required construction materials can be reduced. This leads to cost savings in terms of material procurement, transportation, and labor.

Improved Performance: Geogrids minimize deformations, cracking, and rutting in the pavement structure, resulting in a smoother and safer driving experience for road users.

Environmental Sustainability: Geogrids contribute to sustainable construction practices by reducing the need for excessive excavation, minimizing the environmental impact of the project.

6. Products Delivered for project requirements
Geotextile 200g/m2, 120.000,00 m2
Uniaxial geogrid 144 kn/m, 8.000,00 m2
Uniaxial geogrid 52.5 kn/m, 7.000,00 m2
Biaxial geogrid 29.2 kn/m, 5.600,00 m2

Port of delivery La Guaira in Venezuela.